Friday, March 20, 2009

100 more

Before I start I need to say GOOSEFRABA out of frustration. Ok, now that I got that out....I am going to once again do the 100 things I am thankful for today. And, I am going to try to make it different than yesterday..we will see. Here we go...

100. the movie Anger Management
99. nature
98. the spring flowers in my gardens
97. Healthy Choice Steamers
96. Makenna's silliness
95. hot bubble baths
94. time with Jamie
93. Gavin's sincerity
92. my dog Diego
91. Kohl's
90. Old Navy
89. my favorite cat Chloe
88. time alone at work
87. my health
86. time I get to sleep in
85. sandals
84. friends who listen to me vent
83. The Secret
82. Yvonne my Premier Jewelry Consultant
81. Jim Carrey
80. Jim Carrey movies
79. Daughtry
78. Nickelback
76. Pink
75. Kind and thoughtful people
74. fresh air
73. Subway
72. animals
71. friendships
70. breath taking moments
69. the gift of forgiveness
67. closure
66. healing
65. pictures
64. smiles
63. money
62. moments at the farm
61. Don Diego the alpaca
60. that I am in Jenny's wedding
59. all my Stampin Up! girls
58. chipboard
57. my divorce
56. cardstock
55. clouds
54. my massage therapists
53. PartyLite's Spa CD
52. FRIENDS dvd's
51. board games
50. my dentist (poor man had to take care of me a lot in the past)
49. my go cart as a child
48. my motorcycle as a child
47. sledding
46. lip gloss
45. my childhood dogs (Whisky and Terri)
44. my neighbors
43. my class tonight
42. the number 8
41. Eric Carl books
40. ceiling fans
39. the smell of laundry out of the dryer
38. brownies
37. gift of gab
36. positive influences
35. Makenna being 100% potty trained
34. Gavin getting a 96% on his last math test
33. Gavin getting a 108% on his spelling test
32. Carvel ice cream cakes
31. Rudy's cakes
30. that my dog is trained to walk
29. I am alive!
28. the movie Mary Poppins
27. Playhouse Disney
26. my Cricut machines
25. my parents
24. Jeremy's mom
23. Bob (Linda's boyfriend)
22. Pappy
21. She-She
20. Judy my Avon lady
19. Avon
18. Stampin Up!
17. my new spring jacket
16. lounge pants
15. oversized sweatshirts
14. the color perriwinkle
13. Wii
12. being able to run
10. teachers
9. paint
8. markers
7. candy
6. email
5. stamps
4. gratitude
3. patience
2. peace
1. love

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